Association Addresses of Josiah C. Merriman Vol. IV


by Josiah C. Merriman


98 pages




Association Addresses of Josiah C. Merriman Vol. IV are:

1963 “Reflection”
1964 “You Are The Solution”

In “Reflection” he says “God determines what man is – you do not determine this. You are just what God determines – you are reflection. God determines Himself as you. How could God have an idea and not sustain that idea? And God, in sustaining His idea, gives man all the attributes embodied forever. Man can lack nothing. . . .  man is the complete achievement.”
“Both unselfishness and selfishness are personal and deal with persons rather than God’s reflection. To be unselfed and know no person is to be divine. Thinking of yourself as reflection and holding to it is unselfed Love . . . .It is divine Love in action.”

In “You Are the Solution” he says “You can meet and handle all aggressive mental suggestions. You are the solution and understanding of everything that appears in the horizon of your consciousness.”