Bible Lessons for 1910 – (Download)


Early Bible Lessons




Bible Lessons for 1910

The Lessons in the download listing below are to be used with the King James Version of the Bible and Science and Health. They include the Golden Text, Responsive Reading, and the sections with citations only. During the years covered by these Lessons (1898-1910), Mrs. Eddy made many changes in Science and Health. The Lessons in this listing have been carefully researched and revised so that they can be used with the 1910 final edition of the textbook.

The twenty-six subjects selected for the Lessons were first used in July of 1898. This accounts for the fact that there are only six months of Lessons for that year.

Mrs. Eddy did not compile these Lessons. A Lesson Committee was appointed to do this. But she read the Lessons and gave personal instructions as to how she wanted them done. Her remarkable foresight in establishing the daily study of the Lesson remains to keep us faithful to the study of the Bible and Science and Health, the two books most essential to our spiritual progress.