The Businessman of Syria


by  Charles Francis Stocking


780 pages



First published in 1923, The Businessman of Syria is a monumental work. The businessman is Christ Jesus. This book is the story of his life as seen in the light of Christian Science. There has never been another book quite like it. The authors take the events of Jesus’ life and relate them to the teeming world that gave birth to Christianity. They vividly describe the social, political, religious, and economic forces that Jesus faced in accomplishing his mission. Throughout the book is the spiritual logic behind all that he did. The Master’s life takes on a new dimension in this brilliant work. One finds a greater understanding, love, and appreciation for Jesus, because the book outlines graphically the many human elements of the time that fought so aggressively to destroy both Christ Jesus and his message. This book is highly recommended both for its historical and metaphysical content.