The Final Revelation


by Israel Pickens


114 pages



Contains the following addresses: The Final Revelation; The Commands of the Christ; The Two Great Commandments; Spiritual Sense; The Kingdom of Heaven; Ministering Angels

His address, Ministering Angels, refers to Mrs. Eddy’s definition of angels in Science and Health as “God’s thoughts passing to man.” In this inspiring paper, Mr. Pickens comments on the coming of angels to the prophets and Christ Jesus, and the angel messages to the seven churches in the Apocalypse. Throughout the Scriptures, angels spoke to those chosen of God to reveal His Word to the world.

Then he explains how we, too, can hear these spiritual messages through the study of Christian Science. Again and again, Mrs. Eddy refers to the ever-presence of God’s thoughts and how to discern them. Mr. Pickens explains how angels defend, protect, deliver, guide, comfort, and heal us. He shows how to determine if thoughts are angels from God, or suggestions from animal magnetism, and how angels awaken us from the Adam-dream. Reading this paper brings the warm glow of God’s presence as we see how His thoughts truly do become our thoughts. He writes: “How wonderful to feel these angel messages, these impartations of the Christ, Truth, as they pour forth God’s healing thoughts to humanity. This is indeed divinity speaking to us in our every need. Every such coming of a divine idea, every inspiration, intuition, every sense of goodness, of purity and gratitude, every spark of selfless love, is an angel of Love and Truth. Oh, may we hear these angels as they speak softly to our receptive ears! These angels are all about us, as near as the air we breathe.”
In the address Spiritual Sense, we are given an inspiring insight into the importance of spiritual sense, how it is the opposite of material sense, and how spiritual sense is the means through which we translate our false view of all things into the spiritual view through our understanding of God. Mr. Pickens writes, “Everything that God, or Mind, is, is reflected in man’s consciousness. God is ever conscious of all His ideas. Thus, the consciousness you have now is that infinite consciousness, reflected of God. It requires spiritual sense to understand this.”
Mr. Pickens relates spiritual sense to many aspects of our human life, showing that we see them as either material or spiritual, according to whether we have material or spiritual sense within. Again he writes, “When healings do not come spontaneously, it is indicative of a need for a greater sense of Love. In every heart is a response to Love. Love awakens the slumbering one. Love is the spark that illumines the darkened sense with a divine fire. Like the tiny spark in the center of the atom, there is in every consciousness the light of Life, even though it may be so infinitesimal as to be altogether hidden to human sense. Yet in every individual’s thought is the spark of divinity, which spiritual sense kindles into a flame of living Love with power from on High.”