The Unfolding Idea


by Bicknell Young


32 pages



In The Unfolding Idea, Mr. Young explains how healing is not the overcoming of mesmeric beliefs, but a thinning out of the mist of mortal mind so that the ever present truth can unfold more clearly. This is the process wherein ultimately we realize such a spiritual state of mind that we know no evil, matter, or mortality. This concept developed in a clear and concise way opens up new insights into how Christian Science brings about healing and regeneration. He writes: “Divine Mind unfolds itself as our understanding of its infinite ideas appearing progressively as improved beliefs or concepts, which we call healing or demonstrations; but the improved belief or concept — the better “sense” world — is not the demonstration. The demonstration is Mind’s proof of its presence in our understanding of its ideas, and thus the disappearance of mortal mind with its disease.”