Association Addresses of Bicknell Young – Volume I: 1910; 1911; 1912; 1914; 1915; 1918; 1920; 1921 – (Download)


by Bicknell Young

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Each year Mr. Young addressed his association of students and wrote his students in England a “London Letter” to be read when they met for their association day. His papers are brilliant in that he defines absolute Truth, relates it to human consciousness, and explains how to heal and redeem the mind through divine metaphysics. Throughout each paper he goes from one subject to another, bringing to light different forms of mortal mind to be handled, and how to do so.

His Association Addresses and London Letters cover a multitude of subjects including malpractice, life and death, how to view the body in Christian Science, how to give a treatment, the Church and its functions, handling sickness and disease, coming out from under old theology, and many more.

In his 1918 Association Address, he writes:

“There is no matter at all; and one must not be afraid to say there is no matter, either for oneself or for someone else; one must not be afraid to say daily: ‘There is no matter,’ nor be afraid to know that one does not have a material body; one should not be timid about knowing that one is absolutely spiritual. One must say it and know it, as nothing so improves the material body, so-called, as to know that one does not have a material body.”