Christian Science Class Instruction


by Arthur Corey


203 pages



In 1945, Mr. Corey published what were considered to be the well-guarded class teachings of Christian Science — teachings that were given exclusively to Church members in classes taught by authorized teachers. Drawing upon notes from the classes of twenty-eight early teachers, as well as other unpublished works, he gives an accurate account of the teaching given in class instruction. His book was published as a protest against the great secrecy that surrounded teaching on Christian Science. He takes the reader step-by-step through class instruction in an orderly and thought-provoking dissertation.

The order of his class teachings follows that outlined by Mrs. Eddy: Learning of God through the synonyms, considering man as the reflection of God; seeing body and the universe as spiritual ideas; analyzing error, mortal mind, and animal magnetism; handling different “isms”and “ologies”; treatment and demonstration; practitioner and patient; questions and answers; the church; and finally world salvation. Being based on the notes of classes given by teachers who went through class with Mrs. Eddy, this is an excellent coverage of class teaching.